climb V0 to V4 boulder problems?
climb 5.6 to 5.11 sport routes?
have big dreams in climbing?
We have been where you are. We have hit plateaus and experienced life changing injuries. We have lost hope, and feared the end of progress in climbing. But we have made it through. We have learned exactly what it takes to get to the next level. In that process we have found even deeper passion for climbing and a way to continually progress.
Work With Us
Strength is necessary, but it is only beneficial when you have the skill to use it. Interestingly, once you have developed the skill to use strength, your strength will naturally grow with the increased necessity.
One of the best things about developing skill is that progress can be seen instantly. Part of the process of skill development is applying new things, and a second part is recognizing what works. This means that not only will you make progress more quickly, but you will also be able to notice progress more clearly.
Absolutely! Climbing skill follows the same fundamentals for every discipline of climbing. The discipline you choose to pursue only changes the way you pursue skill development. For example, a boulderer will seek perfection in movement, whereas a sport climber will pursue greater efficiency in the same movement.
Fantastic! We focus on developing the skill to use strength. If you have more strength then you will simply learn how better to apply that strength. If you enjoy strength training, then by all means continue. Let us help you learn to apply all your strength!